Assurance, Testing and Optimization

Digital customers benefit from an enriched end-user experience through reliable, automated testing and quality assurance services.

Our quality assurance and testing services offer reduced business IT risk, decreased overall cost of testing, and faster go-to-market capabilities with personal client services and protection of the client's brand reputation.

Quality Assurance Services

  • Test Automation and Optimization
  • Application Security Testing
  • Performance Testing and Re-engineering
  • Specialized testing services in cloud migrations, ERPs, legacy migrations
  • API Testing (Microservices)
  • DevOps QA (Integration of CI/CD)
  • Data Assurance Testing

R&D Beta Labs

At the heart of every startup and every new product is that "one great idea" that someone thinks the market needs. But not every great idea is that great. Sometimes an idea needs a few changes to become great.

When you develop applications, you have a limited amount of time, people, and money to get an idea right. The longer it takes you to realize that an idea isn't a winner, the more resources you waste. Conversely, the faster you can verify that an idea is great, the faster you can get more investment to make the idea a reality.

We don’t believe in fail fast but learn fast. This is what we help achieve with our R&D Beta Labs.

Would you like to know more?

We’re happy to discuss your quality assurance, performance & R&D Labs needs and share our expertise.

Contact Us